By kattekrab, 19 March, 2011

There's a complex set of skills involved in effective web development - and the 'industry' is filled with experts and skilled practitioners. Here's a thumbnail sketch of the range of skills needed to work the web.

By kattekrab, 12 March, 2011

Mary Gardiner and Valerie Aurora have launched The Ada Initiative.

They really want to tackle the under representation of women in open technology and culture and the want to do it full time.

I was honoured they asked me to join the advisory board, and utterly humbled when I saw the list of other women on the board. It's an extraordinary crew of talented, accomplished women. Do I really belong there? Or is that just my imposter syndrome at work?

By kattekrab, 27 November, 2010

Drupal Australia - aussie drupalnuts[cross posted from]

In 2007 we made the decision to switch to Drupal from our own collection of in-house LAMP based web content management modules and we've not looked back.  Whilst we've been active members of the Australian Linux and Open Source community for over five years, we are still relatively recent immigrants to the Drupal community.

I've created a new identity for the drupal mob downunder to hang on our page at

Inspired by the iconic work of May Gibbs, an Australian children's book author and illustrator, I bring you, the Aussie DrupalNuts.

We're also sponsoring DrupalDownunder - and I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm also wondering what kind of session I should submit to the call for proposals.