By kattekrab, 12 January, 2024

Wow.  This year is off to a racing start for me.  We're already 12 days in, and my mind is abuzz with ideas, options, and potential for 2024.

Open unlocks the world's potential.  That's the Red Hat Why.

And Open is my word for 2024. Just one little word. A word I've held tightly for many years now.

As session co-chair for the Everything Open conference I'm feeling drawn to explore more about what it means to different people, and how we "unlock" it for everyone. 

By kattekrab, 3 January, 2024

The Open Practice Library is filled with useful stuff. Stuff that helps people work together better, build the right thing, and build the thing right. In this session we'll gather ideas and issues from participants, and design potential solutions and pathways together using the Mobius Loop, and the library of open practices. It should be fun, come along!

30 minutes on the 4th of Feb, in Brussels, at FOSDEM.

By kattekrab, 3 January, 2024

I splurged. Before Christmas, I bought myself the complete set of PIP Decks. I picked them up yesterday. Let's get started with the Productivity Tactics deck.  The productivity strategy system is golden. It has that magic quality of seeming obvious once you read it, and yet, it's not. I am way too skilled at procrastination, so that's a thing I'd really like to get worse at doing. The Reset cards will resource this mission.

By kattekrab, 29 October, 2023

Yesterday, I encountered a special little bookshop in the country town of St Arnaud. Jane, the proprietor, only sells Australian books. New, and second hand. I picked up a copy of Brian Matthews book Louisa. 

It was at 2011 in Brisbane where I started the campaign to digitise the dawn. Crowdfunding cash to donate to the National Library of Australia to scan the pages of Louisa Lawson’s journal. 

By kattekrab, 1 October, 2023

Two weeks from today I’ll wake up with a new sense of the country I call home. 

Will a majority of 97% of Australian’s vote YES to give 3% a Voice to parliament in recognition of their ancient connection to country?

I think they will. 
I hope they will. 
I believe they will. 

But it’s going to be close. And that in itself is a bit heart breaking. It shouldn’t be close. 

It should be an easy, and enthusiastic yes, as it was in 1967. 

By kattekrab, 23 July, 2023

VALA Tech Camp 2023 was held last week, and I was lucky enough to attend, and to speak on Day 2 in the Open Source stream.

The day started with an excellent workshop on digital search skills in the Data stream. I learnt some very nifty tricks, and played around with a brilliant set of tools I've never used before called Voyant Tools.

By kattekrab, 15 July, 2023

(Magical insight + Marvellous idea)/(Minimalist implementation x Minor iteration) = Measurable impact.

Images: Donna + Dall-e


By kattekrab, 4 October, 2022

As our machine learning, data engineering, and artificial intelligence systems evolve, adapt, and learn, so too must we!

The intersection of the twin revolutions of Agile and Open Source Software development methodologies is a fascinating place. These movements are changing the world, and they have more in common than sets them apart. However the differences are fascinating and fundamental, and we are only starting to respectfully learn from each other.