By kattekrab, 15 July, 2012
I was seriously excited when I found out Mary Gardiner was going to keynote Wikimania in Washington DC this year. Well, that keynote happened on Friday morning. Desperate for news on how it went I plunged into the twitter stream to see the reaction. Here it is courtesy of storify! Well done Mary.
By kattekrab, 20 June, 2012

Late last year, the board of the Drupal Association put six things on the agenda for 2012.

One of those was to coordinate Global Training Days to get more people to start learning Drupal and help address the world wide talent famine for skilled drupalistas.

The next one is happening on Friday 22 June. That's this week.

The dates for follow up Global Training Days are 14 September and 14 December.

See for all the details


But how did we get here?

By kattekrab, 21 April, 2012

The grievances of those who have got power, the influence of those who have got power commands a great deal of attention; but the wrongs and the grievances of those people who have no power at all are apt to be absolutely ignored. That is the history of humanity right from the beginning.

Emmeline Pankhurst, Freedom or Death a speech delivered in Hartford, Connecticut, USA 13 Nov 1913

By kattekrab, 29 March, 2012

Back in early February I got myself elected to the Drupal Association (DA) board. Last week, I attended my first board meeting in Denver at DrupalCon. It made me feel a whole lot better about this new role, because until then, I'd not really had a chance to do anything. Other than agree the DA should open a bank account in Europe so we can better deal with European currencies and events.

By kattekrab, 1 March, 2012

Dear Lazy Web,

Do you know of any typefaces designed and created in foundries in Australia?

Pre-digital. Cast in metal.

Here is what I've found so far:

Dennis Bryans, The Beginnings of Type Founding in Sydney: Alexander Thompson's Type, His Foundry, and His Exports to Inter-Colonial Printers Journal of Design History Vol. 9 No. 2 1996 The Design History Society.

There are many references to "Type Foundry" in TROVE's archive of digitised newspapers. Here's one:

By kattekrab, 19 February, 2012

I've occasionally been helping Carl Karsten from Next Day Video produce title slides to slot into their automated video production flow.  

I use Inkscape.

The video title slide is also good opportunity to showcase event sponsors - and get them a wider audience beyond the event itself.

Video Title slides - made with Inkscape



By kattekrab, 19 February, 2012


My apologies for arriving a little late to the party. 
Thanks to the latest DrupalEasy podcast I've just read these 2 articles on Drupal Marketing, and most of the comments. 
I was also lucky enough to be present in London to hear Dries' call to the faithful to step up our marketing efforts and really help Drupal succeed.
There's been some attention paid to business focussed events, and the creation and collation of "marketing materials". But how much attention is being paid to the market itself?