By kattekrab, 27 June, 2020

Farewell friend.

Marcus & Claire

I can't quite recall the last time we met. Was it at the Auction Rooms in North Melbourne, just before you joined RMIT? No - it was after that, you were at RMIT and we were talking about some Drupal sites you'd inherited. Or perhaps we just spoke on the phone? I wish I could remember that moment, now that you are gone.

By kattekrab, 15 March, 2020

Decision making is hard.  

I often worry if I'm making a good decision, or a snap judgement. 

By kattekrab, 13 March, 2020

There's an itchy tickle in the back of my throat.

I saw a doctor. She confirmed that yes, I probably have an upper respiratory viral infection, and no, I probably don't have COVID19. As I've not been overseas, or been in contact with anyone confirmed to have the novel coronavirus strain causing this global pandemic, I don't need to be tested.

For now. 

Doc says rest, fluids, and stay at home.  The usual prescription for colds and flu. But if it gets worse, or doesn't improve in a few days, come back and get another check up.

By kattekrab, 8 July, 2019

This week, I'm in Brisbane participating in the solemn Red Hat ritual known as NHO: New Hire Orientation. I will receive my Red Fedora. I'm excited.

It's also NAIDOC week. For those that don't know, NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islander Day Observance committee. It's grown to become a week long celebration of first people's stories, achievements and ongoing resistance in the face of a colonial, genocidal denial of their existence, and their rights.

By kattekrab, 13 June, 2019

Not quite 2 months ago, I joined Red Hat as an Engagement Lead in the Open Innovation Labs.

It's the beginning of a new journey.  I feel a bit like I'm stepping carefully in to a rowing boat. I'm being mindful, and cautious, so as not to overbalance. I don't want to tip arse over tit into the river.  So far, it's been fun, interesting, perplexing, and exciting. At times I've felt utterly joyful, at others, overwhelmed by doubt I could do what I said I'd do.