I've given a "Constructive Conflict Resolution" talk twice now. First at DrupalCon Amsterdam, and again at DrupalCon Los Angeles. It's something I've been thinking about since joining the Drupal community working group a couple of years ago. I'm giving the talk again at OSCON in a couple of weeks. But this time, it will be different. Very different. Here's why.
I wrote this as a comment in response to Dries' post about the Acquia certification program - I thought I'd share it here too. I've commented there before.
I've also been conflicted about certifications. I still am. And this is because I fully appreciate the pros and cons. The more I've followed the issue, the more conflicted I've become about it.
My current stand, is this. Certifications are a necessary evil. Let me say a little on why that is.
I did another video the other day. This time I've got a D7 and D8 install open side by side, and compare the process of adding an article.
I'm speaking at DrupalCon Los Angeles. 5pm, Tuesday 12 May in the 518 - Trellon room.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghzp7nWccwQ
Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/kattekrab/constructive-conflict-resolution-slides
It's ANZAC day.
It's the 100 year anniversary of a particularly bad battle in Turkey, that has somehow come to represent the apex of Australian and NewZealand glorification of war. Sure, we say it's not glorifying war - but seriously how is this wall to wall coverage not glorification? The coverage in all media over the past week has numbed my senses. Not made me reflect on sacrifice.
All our focus on this one stupid battle? I'd like to put some focus on those efforts to stop the slaughter.
Gallipolli was ultimately a battle lost for the ANZACs.
PSA: If you are a web professional, work in a digital agency or build mobile apps, please read this article now: Taking the social model of disability online
Done? Great.
"The social model of disability reframes discussion of disability as a problem of the world, rather than of the individual. The stairs at the train station are the problem, rather than using a wheelchair."
UPDATE 21 March 2015: I cancelled the chook raffle in favour of a bigger better crowdfunding initiative by the whole board of the DrupalAssocation. We are using crowdrise.
And in honour of the humble chookraffle - Everyone who donates over $100 via my page still wins a customised digital chicken badge with their name on it!
update: republishing with some notes from Peter Wolanin , who has been working directly on the issues that caused me dive in here in the first place. Many thanks Peter for the clarifications and corrections!