
By kattekrab, 14 June, 2018
Professor Megan Davis, and Noel Pearson on stage with the Uluru Statement

The time has come
To say fairs fair...

Dear members of the committee,

Please listen to the Uluru statement from the heart. Please hear those words. Please accept them, please act to adopt them.

Enshrine a voice for Australia’s first nation peoples in the Australian constitution.

Create a commission for Makarrata.

Invest in uncovering and telling the truth of our history.

We will be a stronger, wiser nation when we truly acknowledge the frontier wars and not only a stolen generation but stolen land, and stolen hope.

We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain through real heartfelt recognition and reconciliation.

Makarrata. Treaty. Sovereignty.

Please. I am Australian. I want this.

I felt sick shame when the prime minister rejected the Uluru statement. He did not, does not, speak for me.

Donna Benjamin
Melbourne, VIC.