DrupalEight @ DrupalSouth

By kattekrab, 10 February, 2015

The number of critical issues holding up the release of Drupal 8 is now in the 50s. When will it be released? When it's ready. In the meantime there are some great opportunities around to start to get up to speed on what Drupal 8 is all about. Not least of which are 7 sessions at DrupalSouth in Melbourne next month.

Check them out:

First up, our keynote by Angela "webchick" Byron: Drupal 8: What you need to know

Since March 2011, the community has been hard at work on Drupal 8, which is currently undergoing active development. This revolutionary new release sports tons of improvements, and Angela Byron, Drupal core committer and long-time core developer, will lead you through the most important ones and how they'll impact your future site building endeavors.
Get answers to your frequently asked questions, learn about the changes coming down the pipe for clients, site builders, designers, and developers. You'll also find out more about the core development process, some tips and tricks on how the community works and how to contribute. Best of all, you'll take away some action steps on how you too can help make Drupal 8 the most awesome release of Drupal yet!

Lee "larowlan" Rowlands: Contributing to Core without losing your mind

Contributing to Drupal core can be satisfying, educational, overwhelming, frustrating and many more emotions, all in the one issue.
In this session I'll share some things I've learned from contributing to Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 core.
Topics covered
  • Negotiating issue queues
  • Finding your niche
  • Git and patch workflows
  • Dealing with politics and personalities
  • Not sweating details
  • Development approaches
  • Learning through reviews
  • Building networks and friendships
  • Automating your processes with phing
  • Automated tests


Justin "beejeebus" Randell: Best practices for configuration management in Drupal 8

Drupal 8 ships with a new Configuration Management System (CMI) that vastly improves on Drupal 7. A Drupal site's configuration can be expressed as a set of yaml files, and stored and managed just like source code.
In this talk I'll explore the powerful new CMI features, and present best practice workflows for managing configuration across Drupal 8 projects.
Trying to figure out how Drupal 8's new CMI features will work with your development team? Come to this presentation and we'll try to work it out.

Vladimir R and Josh Martin: Services in Drupal 8: using Drupal as data storage for mobile apps, web apps and websites

Web services is one of the official Drupal 8 incentives. Known as "headless Drupal", web services allow us to use Drupal as a data storage for applications and websites using various frameworks and technologies. 
In this presentation we will cover
  1. Introduction to web services. We will cover origins and types of web services, crucial componets and basics to get us going. We will look into the difference between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 service setup and why it was crucial to get services into the core. 
  2. Examples of use. Modern web applications, mobile application and a lot of web sites are using web services for reusing exisitng application components or connecting existing applications together. For this presentation we've built mobile application, simple website and booking web app using Drupal 8 as well as various other libraries to demonstrate the practical use of web services.
  3. Drupal 8 services configuration. In this section we will cover how to get your hands dirty "under the hood" by configuring Drupal to work in examples from the previous section.


David Peterson: How Everything is Connected - Drupal 8 and Schema.org

The world is complex and is full of connections and relationships amongst "real things". The web is complex and full of links between text, video and images.
How do we bridge this divide between the real world and the online web? The Graph. The knowledge graph defines what is important to us and how it relates to the things we care about.
When you publish a Drupal site is built with rich Content Types and fields, relationships link things together in a way that provides unique value to your end users. Then this wonderful data is hidden away as soon you you save the page and HTML is generated. Schema.org integration within Drupal 8 uncovers these hidden "things" and relationships and describes them as rich data within your HTML. 
So, that sounds great, right? But why would you want to do this? Schema.org was created by the largest search engines in the world Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex. They are consuming this data to provide end users with a much richer and more relevant search experience. Google has stated that 15% of all websites it has indexed use schema.org. That adds up to ... A LOT :) 
SEO is no longer a dark art. SEO is about encoding the rich relationships and entities from your website and sharing them to the wider world.
Come to this session and hear about this wonderful new and interconnected world -- the Knowledge Graph.

Magda Kostrzewa: How to create a custom theme in Drupal 8

In this session we will look at some of the new features that are in Drupal 8 theming as well as demonstrate how to create and configure a Drupal 8 sub-theme from Classy, the new core theme in Drupal 8.

This session is for current Drupal themers who want a glimpse into how to get started creating your own sub-theme in Drupal 8 as well as those new to Drupal who want an introduction to Drupal 8 theming.


Jibran Ijaz: Create your own bespoke Views Style Plugins for Drupal 8

Views in Drupal Core was the first initiative to reach feature completion in Drupal 8. Like all other core systems Views has embraced PSR , Plugin Systems, Annotations and ConfigEntities.
This session is about how Drupal 8 makes it easy and painless to create a ViewsStyle Plugin.
We'll learn:
  • How to add a custom theme to a plugin.
  • How to add a display option to a plugin.
  • How to use configuration options to customise the HTML output.
  • We'll also take a look into some contributed views style plugin modules.


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