following some new people on twitter now... which prompted me to pop in here and do an update - which I've not done for a while...
As I've mentioned before - I have 3 blogs. I'm not too sure why - they do each have a slightly different focus. This one, at has always been the most random, the most uncompromising. The one least likely to make sense to anyone but me.
The one at livejournal has become my open source community megaphone mainly because it's syndicated to and is the spot for stuff related to my business
and every now and again there's some cross over and I'll link from one to the other and back again...
Recent edition of Australian Teacher magazine warns educators about revealing too much about themselves on social networking sites, and being careful about who they link to...
and yet chris lehmann blogs on the concept of school and comments on the opportunity to connect with a student online and think outside the classroom...
Is part of 'open education' acknowledging that open minds, hearts and souls can be ugly warts and all? Is it fair for society to expect teachers to be perfect human specimans? Is there such a thing?
With open source software we get the code - bugs and all - we can learn from bugs, we can help fix them...
Isn't it the hero's flaw that drives the narrative in a tragedy?
hrmmm... anyway - random thoughts late on friday night... Hi to all the new tweeters!
Oh - and I'm working on a 1-day conference thing on openeducation - currently scheduled for 21 Nov 2008 - more soon - prolly have details on - oh and I 'spose on livejournal too.