By kattekrab, 27 November, 2010

Drupal Australia - aussie drupalnuts[cross posted from]

In 2007 we made the decision to switch to Drupal from our own collection of in-house LAMP based web content management modules and we've not looked back.  Whilst we've been active members of the Australian Linux and Open Source community for over five years, we are still relatively recent immigrants to the Drupal community.

I've created a new identity for the drupal mob downunder to hang on our page at

Inspired by the iconic work of May Gibbs, an Australian children's book author and illustrator, I bring you, the Aussie DrupalNuts.

We're also sponsoring DrupalDownunder - and I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm also wondering what kind of session I should submit to the call for proposals.

By kattekrab, 11 November, 2010

Too busy in my mind today to get any good work done.
I read and I sigh.
I click and I ponder why.
I start on something then on something else again.
Nothing is achieved.
No sense of satisfaction rises.
Thoughts waft like whisps of smoke from topic to topic.
Anger foments, empathy saddens.
Righteous indignation erupts.
Apathy wins.
Nothing is done.
Nothing is won.

By kattekrab, 22 October, 2010

Making paper. There is absolutely nothing digital about it. I don't even know if it's possible to run handmade paper through a printer. Stumbled across this gorgeous paper website today. I don't even know how, or why I ended up down that rabbit hole. I think it may even have been an advert.

By kattekrab, 9 September, 2010

Software Freedom Day

I rely on free software. My business, Creative Contingencies, totally depends on free software, and we earn income from supporting others using free software. I'm not a coder so finding other ways to participate in the community that creates free software and make a contribution is important to me.