
By kattekrab, 25 March, 2009

It's still 24 March in Honolulu!

I've been tickled pink reading ada day blog posts over the past day and a bit. I've smiled as I've read posts by my friends, and posts about my friends, and I wanted to just add another chord to the rousing chorus of celebration of Women in Technology that has been the inaugural Ada Lovelace Day.  Also Hip Hip Hooray to Suw Charman for dreaming this, and making it so.


By kattekrab, 24 March, 2009
Let’s create new role models and make sure that whenever the question “Who are the leading women in tech?” is asked, that we all have a list of candidates on the tips of our tongues... To take part All you need to do is... pick your tech heroine and then publish your blog post any time on Tuesday 24th March 2009. It doesn’t matter how new or old your blog is, what gender you are, what language you blog in, or what you normally blog about - everyone is invited.