I used to love the Hottest 100 - it was a summer milestone. Somehow I got old, and it ceased to be as meaningful to me. I watched with a vague nostalgic interest as people tweeted during this year's JJJ Hottest 100 of all time. I nodded and frowned when I read of the curious outrage about the very very few numbers of women artists who made it in to the list.
Melbourne has a new logo.
I think I like it. But I'm still getting acquainted and reserve the right to withhold judgement. I do think it's high time our fair city got a refresh... but quarter of a million dollars does seem like an awful lot of money, and I also wonder why a melbourne firm wasn't hired to do the job. I mean really. What does that tell you?
I've been crazy busy of late, and seem to be suffering the same fate as others in that I'm using micro-blogs for the quick updates and burning need to express those 'top-of-mind' thoughts, rather than posting here to http://kattekrab.net - Ah well.
Not that you care. I don't imagine these rare postings of mine are missed much by anyone! :)
So what have I been up to? Conferences. Again. Ya'd think I would have learnt to keep away from these unmitigated stress-fests by now. Oh no. Not me. Never learn, Can't be told.
Entries closed and voting is open for the about screen contest for the next release of Inkscape. There are 36 entries, some of them representing hours of dedicated artistry by their creators, others flashes of inspiration quickly rendered with our favourite tool.
I've picked 9 of the 36 for my own personal shortlist... but I can only vote for one - which will it be? What do you think?
View all 36 here http://inkscapers.deviantart.com/journal/24960257/ - and create an account to vote!
Matt Bottrell posted about the sad state of audio on linux. Now - I can't even pretend to understand all the whys and wherefores, and have none of the necessary skills to fix it, let alone post constructive criticism about where to look at sorting out the issues - but I can certainly agree it's broken. Perhaps I can add a simple voice of frustration from a long time linux user?
It's still 24 March in Honolulu!
I've been tickled pink reading ada day blog posts over the past day and a bit. I've smiled as I've read posts by my friends, and posts about my friends, and I wanted to just add another chord to the rousing chorus of celebration of Women in Technology that has been the inaugural Ada Lovelace Day. Also Hip Hip Hooray to Suw Charman for dreaming this, and making it so.
Let’s create new role models and make sure that whenever the question “Who are the leading women in tech?” is asked, that we all have a list of candidates on the tips of our tongues... To take part All you need to do is... pick your tech heroine and then publish your blog post any time on Tuesday 24th March 2009. It doesn’t matter how new or old your blog is, what gender you are, what language you blog in, or what you normally blog about - everyone is invited.
Well the time has come - another Summer of Code is upon us. The truly marvellous Leslie Hawthorn reflects on some of the wonders of GSOC. Has it really been going 5 years now? Wow.