[update: Libre Graphics Day returns to linux.conf.au 2011 in Brisbane!]
Goodness me, it really is only a week away now. The best linux and free and open source conference I've ever ever been to. This year linux.conf.au is in Wellington, New Zealand at http://lca2010.org.nz . LCA2009 was fabulous, LCA2008 was brilliant, LCA2007 was awesome and LCA2006 was inspiring. I expect LCA2010 to be better than all of them. Combined.
No Pressure Guys ;)
The Welly10 team, slaving and sleep-deprived, have been putting the finishing touches on a well-executed plan. I truly fear they are putting all of us who went before them to shame.
Here's what I'm looking at doing in Wellington next week.
This blog... runs Drupal. So does my biz blog at cc.com.au/donna - and we've been running Drupal sites for our clients for some time now. But when Simon, Caitlin and Lisa from emspace came along to an OSIA meeting, Peter and I actually really engaged with the Drupal community for the first time. We've now been to a few Melbourne meet-ups, went to the Melbourne DrupalCamp in May this year, and are not only both planning on attending and speaking at DrupalSouth - we decided to sponsor it. So - straight after the fabulous wondrous geek-a-ganza that is linux.conf.au - I'll be diving deep into the Drupal goodness of DrupalSouth.
Spent a chunk of time today getting the LibreGraphicsDay miniconf call for participation ship shape. It will take place on the 18th or 19th of January in Wellington, during the traditional linux.conf.au feast of appetisers, the community organised streams known as miniconfs.
A lazy Saturday. Snoozing on the couch, now pondering the evening ahead. The week before me. But first, a look back to last weekend.