By kattekrab, 10 March, 2018

Ever since I heard this month’s #AusGlamBlog theme was “Happiness” I’ve had that Happy song stuck in my head.

“Clap along if you know what happiness is to you”

I’m new to the library world as a professional, but not new to libraries. A sequence of fuzzy memories swirl in my mind when I think of libraries.

First, was my local public library children’s cave filled with books that glittered with colour like jewels.

By kattekrab, 27 January, 2018
I love free software, but sometimes, I feel, that free software does not love me.
Why is it so hard to use? Why is it still so buggy? Why do the things I can do simply with other tools, take so much effort? Why is the documentation so inscrutable?  Why have all the config settings been removed from the GUI? Why does this HowTo assume I can find a config file, and edit it with VI? Do I have to learn to use VI before I can stop my window manager getting in the way of the application I’m trying to use?
Tis a mystery.
By kattekrab, 11 August, 2017

I gave a talk a couple of years ago called Tools for Talking.

I'm preparing a new talk, which, in some ways, is a sequel to this one. As part of that prep, I thought it might be useful to write some short summaries of each of the tools outlined here, with links to resources on them.

By kattekrab, 11 February, 2017

Join 'em, support 'em, donate, promote... whatever. They all do good work. Really good work. And we should all support them as much as we can. Help me, help them, by following them, amplifying their voices, donating or even better?Joining them! And if all you've got is gratitude for the work they do, then drop 'em a line and just say a simple thank you :)

By kattekrab, 17 November, 2016

I wanted to remind you
of some very basic stuff
The type of thing you may forget
when dev work's getting tough

It is, just a simple thing
That many a mind perplexed
So how many of you
Know what's coming next?

If your custom content field
in your new created node
has a blank bit in the space
for a radio button to load

or your rules on field has value
doesn't show the said conditions
then the answer is the same
Go check your role permissions