By kattekrab, 9 December, 2009

DrupalSouth logo: The DrupliKiwiFruit

This blog... runs Drupal. So does my biz blog at cc.com.au/donna - and we've been running Drupal sites for our clients for some time now.  But when Simon, Caitlin and Lisa from emspace came along to an OSIA meeting, Peter and I actually really engaged with the Drupal community for the first time.  We've now been to a few Melbourne meet-ups, went to the Melbourne DrupalCamp in May this year, and are not only both planning on attending and speaking at DrupalSouth - we decided to sponsor it.  So - straight after the fabulous wondrous geek-a-ganza that is linux.conf.au - I'll be diving deep into the Drupal goodness of DrupalSouth.