2010 - Wellington

By kattekrab, 7 March, 2009

A lazy Saturday. Snoozing on the couch, now pondering the evening ahead. The week before me. But first, a look back to last weekend.

Last Weekend I was in Wellington, New Zealand at the annual Pilgrimmage known as Ghosts of Conference Past. This is the time to handover collective wisdom gained about running one of the world's best Free and Open Source Software conferences. It's not a commercial conference, it's run by volunteers, and each team sweats blood and tears whilst putting enormous time and energy into making it happen.  If anyone posits it looks effortless, they're not looking hard enough.

Part of ghosts is debrief time for the team that just did the job. I'm not sure we did enough of that this past weekend, but perhaps that's a better balance than what we'd done at previous ghosts.

Ben Powell, Leah Duncan, Garry Harradence, John Dalton, Josh Hesketh, Josh Bush, and the rest of the team, and volunteers that brought us LCA2009... did an outstanding job. It was a great conference. I truly enjoyed myself. Thank You!

I suspect LCA2010 will also be a not-to-be-missed event. Wellington is a gorgeous city situated at the Southern tip of New Zealand's North Island. It's not my place to divulge secrets outlined in the Welly team strateg, but let me say... if you're thinking about going - start looking at travel plans.

Have you got a passport? Partners Programme planning is advanced, and detailed, so if you're used to leaving the spouse and the kids at home while you head off to, re-think the summer holiday for 2010 - Wellington could be your destination.

Oh did I mention Schoc Chocolate yet? ZOMG.